西班牙 - Artadi

日期 2002-05-28 12:30:00
文章主題: 品項資料

西班牙 Artadi 酒莊簡介。

Artadi 無疑是 Rioja 地區最好的一個家族企業之一,它位於 Rioja Alavesa 中心,就在中古世紀風味的 Laguardia 村莊外圍,產率最高的區域。

Robert Parker 曾經如此描述:「這個酒莊具有令人驚喜的條件,這個誕生不久的酒莊奉獻於釀造最高品質的葡萄酒,成立於 1989 年,葡萄種植於涼爽的高海拔地區。這是一款非常值得關注的葡萄酒。」

Artadi 確實非常的特別,果香味非常豐厚且源源不斷,強勁而且深厚。Parker 甚至如此形容 Grandes Añadas Reserva 1994:「這是我品嚐過最強、最龐大的 Rioja!」



Cosecheros Alaveses。

Rioja, Joven, Artadi
Rioja, Crianza, "Viñas de Gain", Artadi
Rioja, Reserva, "Pagos Viejos", Artadi
Rioja, Reserva, "Viña del Pison", Artadi
Rioja, Reserva, "Grandes Añadas", Artadi

酒莊位於 Ebro 河北方的 Laguardia 村莊,Rioja Alavesa 地區的中央。

葡萄則來自整個 Alavesa 地區。最靠近河流產量較多的葡萄園生產果味豐富的葡萄,被用來釀造 "Joven"。地勢較高,海拔約 500-600 公尺的葡萄園,則被釀造 "Crianza" 及 "Reserva" 等級。

100 公頃。

Rioja Alavesa 區的土層以鈣質黏土為主,充滿白色的石灰石。這樣的地層造就了葡萄酒的高貴與細緻,且相對地強勁。靠近河流的葡萄園富含沖積沈澱物,因此產量也較高。越靠近丘陵頂部,土壤越貧瘠,所生產的葡萄酒則飽滿而適合久藏。

Joven: 85% Tempranillo 與 15% Viura。

Viñas de Gain: 100% Tempranillo。

Pagos Viejos: Tempranillo 為主,混有 Graciano 與 Garnacha。

Viña El Pison: 98% Tempranillo、1% Graciano 及 1% Garnacha。

Grandes Añadas: Tempranillo 為主,混有 Graciano 及 Viura。

Viñas de Gain:樹齡至少 30 年。

Pagos Viejos:樹齡至少 50 年。

Viña El Pison:始種植於 1945 年。

Viña El Cerradillo:開始使用於 1994 的 Grandes Añadas。葡萄藤於 1920 及 1940 更種,平均樹齡大約 70 年。

Joven:400,000 瓶
Viñas de Gain:180,000 瓶
Pagos Viejos:22,000 瓶
Viña El Pison:7,500 瓶


Viñas de Gain:
採用靠近山腰種植的葡萄,傳統的波爾多型態釀造法,30 天的酵期完成後轉入美國橡木桶培養 15-18 個月。

Pagos Viejos:
採用老藤,傳統的 Rioja 方法釀造,至少 32 個月的長時間的桶中培養。

Viña El Pison:
來自單一葡萄園 "El Pison" 55 年的優質老藤,是 Rioja 少見的作法。在木製的大酒槽進行維持 30°C 的發酵長達 25 天,之後轉入法國橡木桶進行 32 個月的培養。

Grandes Añadas:
只有上好的年份才會釀造,如 '62、'64、'70、'82 及 '94。1994 年份的葡萄來自 Laguardia 附近 "El Cerradillo" 葡萄園。在舊的大橡木酒槽進行酒精發酵 25 天,大約在乳酸發酵一開始,酒就被移轉至一般容量橡木桶約 6 個月。之後再轉入全新的法國 Allier 橡木桶進行 18 個月的培養,期間不斷地進行品嚐以確保酒質。最後,酒在 1998 年三月被裝瓶。

The straight Rioja is perhaps the very best example of the traditional 'joven' style currently being made. It has an appealing bright cherry colour, an intense nose of red fruit, especially raspberries, and the exciting aroma of bananas one often finds on MC wines. The palate feels light and fresh, with crisp acidity balancing smooth ripe fruit. Soft tannins give the wine structure, leading into a harmonious finish. Delicious and ever-so-drinkable.

Viñas de Gain is altogether more serious, with a complex nose of spice, vanilla, fresh raspberries and plums, plus cedarwood and pencil lead. On the palate, the wine is dry and rich, with a silky texture and ripe tannins. Concentrated fruit is balanced by crisp acid; there is depth, harmony and length. Very classy.

Robert Parker:

1998 Artadi Vinas de Gain
Wine Advocate #136 (Aug 2001) / 92 points / Drink 2001-2013

No one produces more complex, concentrated, ageworthy Riojas than Artadi. Readers who are unable to locate and afford their two expensive cuvees should check out the 1,500 cases that made it to the United States of the sensational 1998 Vinas de Gain. A selection from three hillside parcels where the vines average 40 years, and are bottled after 18 months in French oak (no filtration), it is an elegant, stylish effort with terrific fruit, a sweet, complex nose of black cherries, minerals, lead pencil, spice box, and vanilla. Made from 100% Tempranillo, it possesses an impressive texture, medium to full body, and beautiful balance as well as purity. It is a wine to drink now and over the next 10-12 years. For $18.00, it is a superb value.


1997 Artadi Vinas de Gain
Wine Advocate #130 (Aug 2000) / 88 points / Drink 2000-2005

1997 was a poor vintage in Rioja, yet Artadi has produced an elegant 1997 Crianza Vinas de Gain with notes of red cherries, peanut butter, and vanilla. It is a beautifully-etched, finesse-styled Crianza with sweet fruit, medium body, and fine length. Drink it over the next 3-5 years.

本篇文章來自 WineSymphony.com
