義大利 - San Fereolo
日期 2002-03-23 17:00:00 文章主題: 品項資料
| 義大利 San Fereolo 酒莊 1997 LANGHE ROSSO DOC, "BRUMAIO"

葡萄品種:85% Barbera, 10% Dolcetto, 5% Nebbiolo 色澤:深暗紅色 香味:黑色水果味、礦物香、甘草味 口感:圓潤順口
本款經義大利著名酒評 Gambero Rosso 2000 版給予滿分 3 杯(Tre Bicchieri)的最高評價。
This wine is rounded and structured with classic Barbera characteristics. After a year in wood it is smooth, rich and stylish. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Nicoletta Bocca, we are sure to hear more about San Fereolo. Future vintages of these wines look equally promising.